KBS REIT II Lawsuit: Recover KBS Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) II Losses

KBS Real Estate Investment Trust II Lawsuit: If you invested in KBS REIT II, you may be able to recover your KBS REIT Losses, but you must act quickly! Call our REIT Attorneys Toll Free at (888) 252-0048 for a Free Consultation.

KBS REIT II Lawsuit and KBS REIT II Investigation



The REIT Investment Losses Division of Gilman Law LLP is seeking to represent investors who sustained financial losses in the KBS REIT II, a non-publicly traded real estate investment trust focused on commercial real estate, as well as KBS realty advisors, KBS-CMG, or other responsible parties. The KBS Real Estate Investment Trust II (KBS REIT 2) has seen a sharp drop in its valuation, and suspended redemptions. Most investors who purchased shares in the second REIT, KBS REIT II, did so believing that it was a safe and secure investment which would generate income without placing their principal at risk.

For over 40 years, the Investment Loss Attorneys at Gilman Law LLP have represented investors in all major aspects of public REIT lawsuits, non-traded REIT lawsuits, securities litigation, including stock manipulation, securities fraud, and shareholder rights violations. Our securities fraud lawyers are offering free legal consultations to any investor who suffered financial losses stemming from an investment in the KBS REIT 1. If you or someone you know purchased shares in KBS REIT II, and you’re concerned about the investment, we urge you to contact our securities fraud lawyers today by calling toll free at (888) 252-0048.

Legal Help for KBS REIT II Investors and KBS REIT II Shareholders

REIT Investors in KBS REIT 2 may be able to recover their losses by becoming part of a KBS REIT II Lawsuit or filing a FINRA arbitration claim. Gilman Law LLP has extensive experience representing investors in securities class action suits involving non-traded REITs similar to KBS REIT II, and has recovered more than one billion dollars for its clients. Our REIT lawyers are ready to assist investors who have suffered losses in the KBS REIT 2. For a free evaluation of your case, please complete our free consultation form online or CALL TOLL FREE (888) 252-0048.

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